Banche Partner
Se hai una carta di una di queste banche, puoi usare i LAKS Wearables per i pagamenti contactless.
Carte supportate da LAKS PAY

La tua carta non è nell’elenco? Non ti preoccupare, c’è una soluzione
e si chiama Curve.
LAKS è partner di, permettendoti di collegare quasi ogni carta bancaria europea e usarla senza problemi con i Wearable LAKS. Goditi pagamenti veloci, sicuri e comodi mentre gestisci tutte le tue carte da un unico dispositivo. Con questa compatibilità, hai la libertà di scegliere come e dove fare pagamenti – senza limiti, ovunque tu sia.
Ogni settimana, nuove banche vengono aggiunte alla nostra rete, così puoi controllare se la tua banca è supportata.
Scarica l’app LAKS Pay, crea un nuovo account usando un login e una password diversi dalle tue credenziali di, e poi vai su Impostazioni per verificare la compatibilità della tua carta.

Österreich (Austria)
Raiffeisen Debitkarte
Raiffeisen Business Debitkarte
Attualmente c’è un problema tecnico con le carte VISA.
Stiamo lavorando duramente per trovare una soluzione.
Tuttavia, questo potrebbe richiedere un po’ di tempo…
Le carte di credito Raiffeisen Mastercard funzionano.
Raiffeisen Visa Classic Kreditkarte (Raiffeisen Bank International)
Raiffeisen Visa Gold Kreditkarte (Raiffeisen Bank International)
Raiffeisen Visa Platinum Kreditkarte (Raiffeisen Bank International)
Raiffeisen Mastercard Classic Kreditkarte (Raiffeisen Bank International)
Raiffeisen Mastercard Gold Kreditkarte (Raiffeisen Bank International)
Raiffeisen Mastercard Platinum Kreditkarte (Raiffeisen Bank International)
Alle Kreditkarten
SPARDA Debit Mastercard
Standesbank Debitkarte
Bank 99 Mastercard Debit
Debit Mastercard
all debit cards
Mastercard Credit Classic
Mastercard Credit Gold
Oberbank Debit Mastercard
Debit Mastercard
Debit Mastercard
Debit Mastercard
all Mastercard cards
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
Aggiungi il segmento Fidesm Pay nell’app VIMpay e utilizza i dati della carta nell’app LAKS Pay.
Debit Mastercard
BKS Mastercard
BTV Black Mastercard
BTV Debitkarte Mastercard
Repubblica Ceca
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
All affiliates with Mastercard credit & debit cards
all Mastercard cards
Tutte le carte Mastercard
all Mastercard cards
Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
- Nordea Pay
- Mastercard Premium
- Nordea Credit
- Nordea Gold
- Nordea Platinum
- Nordea Black
- First Card Corporate
- First Card Executive
- First Card Corporate (Private Liability)
- Nordea Visa/Dankort
- Circle K Mastercard
- Eurocard
- GlobeCard Mastercard
- PFA Platinum
- SAS EuroBonus World Mastercard
- SAS EuroBonus World Mastercard Premium
all Mastercard
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
Tutte le carte Mastercard
All private and business credit and debit Mastercards
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
Visa Classic Credit
Visa Classic Credit
Tutte le carte Mastercard (le carte devono avere la funzionalità contactless attivata)
- Business Visa Debit
- Debito Nordea
- Finnair Plus
- First Card
- Nordea Black
- Nordea Business
- Nordea Credit
- Nordea Gold
- Nordea Platinum
- Nordea Premium
- Stockmann Mastercard
- Tuohi Mastercard
- Eurocard
- Finnair Plus Mastercard
- SAS EuroBonus World Mastercard
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutti i Mastercard
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
Aggiungi il segmento Fidesmo Pay nell’app VIMpay.
Quindi scarica l’app LAKS Pay e collega la carta digitale di VimPay al LAKS Wearable.
- Visa Card Gold – BNP Paribas Wealth Management – Private Banking
- Visa Card – Consorsbank
- Visa Card Gold – Consorsbank
Attualmente non è disponibile, ma sarà operativo a partire dal secondo trimestre del 2025.
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Visa Kreditkarte
- Visa Debitkarte
Visa Karten
Visa Karten
Visa Karten
Visa Karten
Visa Karten
Visa Karten
Visa Gold Karten
Visa Karten
Visa Karten
Visa Karten
Master Card
Master Card Platinum Credit
Master Card Elite Credit
Master Card World Credit
Master Card 15th Anniversary Credit
Master Card Corporate Travel Credit
- Mastercard Debit Standard
- Mastercard Debit Platinum
- Mastercard Platinum
- Mastercard World
- Mastercard Platinum (British Airways Co-branded)
- Mastercard Titanium (British Airways Co-branded)
- Mastercard Platinum Prepaid (British Airways Co-branded)
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
Tutte le carte Mastercard (le carte devono avere la funzionalità contactless attivata)
Visa Classic Credit
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
- Visa Business Debit
- Visa Consumer Debit
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
Tutte le carte Mastercard (le carte devono avere la funzionalità contactless attivata)
Visa Classic Credit
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
- Nordea Bankkort Visa
- Nordea Privat Mastercard
- Nordea Gold Mastercard
- Nordea Premium Mastercard
- Nordea Platinum Mastercard
- Nordea Black Mastercard
- Circle K Mastercard
- DNB Corporate Mastercard
- Esso Mastercard
- Eurocard
- GlobeCard Mastercard
- Landkreditt Mastercard
- Nordic Choice Club Mastercard
- SAS EuroBonus Mastercard Premium
- SAS EuroBonus World Mastercard
- SAS EuroBonus World Mastercard Premium
- SEB Selected
- Volvo Mastercard
- Agricard Ansatt
- Agricard Firma
- Agricard Privat
- Eika Bedrift
- Eika Ansatt
- Eika Ansatt Direkte
- Eika Kredittkort Direkte
- Eika Kredittkort
- NAF Xtra
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
- All VISA cards
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
- Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
Debetowa Karta Biznesowa
Kantor Walutowy
Karta Debetowa
Karta Kredytowa
Kredytowa Karta Biznesowa
Wielowalutowa Karta Biznesowa
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Velo Credit Standard
- Velo Credit Platinum
- Velo Credit World Elite
- Velo Debit Standard
- Velo Debit Platinum
- Velo Debit World Elite
Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Karta debetowa Mastercard
- Karta debetowa Mastercard Multiwalutowa
- Karta debetowa Multiwalutowa Mastercard Business
- Karta debetowa Wealth Management Mastercard
- Karta kredytowa Mastercard
- Karta Mastercard Business
- Karta Mastercard Corporate
Tutte le carte Mastercard
all Mastercard cards
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
- Tutte le carte Mastercard
- All Mastercard Debit and Credit cards
- Tutte le carte Mastercard
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
- Tutte le carte Mastercard
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
- First Card
- Nordea Black
- Nordea Credit
- Debito Nordea
- Nordea Gold
- Nordea Platinum
- Nordea Premium
- Circle K Mastercard
- Eurocard
- GlobeCard Mastercard
- INGO Mastercard
- NK Nyckeln Mastercard
- Nordic Choice Mastercard
- Opel Mastercard
- Saab Mastercard
- Carta Mastercard SAS Eurobonus
- SAS Eurobonus Mastercard Premium
- Scandic Friends Mastercard
- Carte SEB (non Maestro)
- SJ Prio Mastercard
- Wallet
Swedbank Debit Mastercard
Bankkort Mastercard
Bankkort Maestro
- Bankkort företag
- Banca privata
- Credito a breve termine
- Credito privato
- Studentkort
- I’m Yours
- Marginalen Traveller
Curve – Carta ad emissione istantanea – Debit Mastercard (tranne le carte Curve Samsung Pay)
*Conosci meglio Curve.
- Business credit
- Business debit
- Classic debit
- Classic credit
- Classic Prepaid
Tutte le carte Mastercard
Tutte le carte Mastercard
all Mastercard cards
- Swiss Bankers Mastercard Prepaid (CHF)
- Mastercard Prepaid Digital
- Swiss Bankers Prime Card (CHF, EUR, USD)
- Swiss Bankers Travel Cash Card (CHF, EUR, USD)
- Swiss Bankers Value Card (CHF, EUR, USD)
- Tutte le carte Mastercard
- Tutte le carte Mastercard
all debit cards
- PostFinance Mastercard Value
- PostFinance Mastercard Gold
- PostFinance Mastercard Standard
neon free Mastercard
neon green Mastercard
neon metal Mastercard
- Cornèrcard Classic – Only Mastercard
- Cornèrcard Gold – Only Mastercard
- Cornèrcard Platinum – Only Mastercard
- Cornèrcard Miles&More – Only Mastercard
- Cornèrcard WWF – Only Mastercard
- Cornèrcard Reload – Only Mastercard
- Cornèrcard Easytravel – Only Mastercard
- Cornèrcard Zoom – Only Mastercard
- Debit STUcard
- Debit Mastercard
- Acrevis Bank AG
- AEK BANK 1826 Genossenschaft
- Alpha RHEINTAL Bank AG
- Alternative Bank Schweiz
- Bank Avera Genossenschaft
- Bank BSU Genossenschaft
- Bank EEK AG
- Bank EKI Genossenschaft
- Bank Gantrisch Genossenschaft
- Bank in Zuzwil AG
- Bank Leerau Genossenschaft
- Bank Oberaargau AG
- Bank SLM AG
- Bank Thalwil Genossenschaft
- Bank Vontobel
- Banque du Léman
- BBO Bank Brienz Oberhasli AG
- Bernerland Bank AG
- Bezirks-Sparkasse Dielsdorf Genossenschaft
- Biene Bank im Rheintal Genossenschaft
- BS Bank Schaffhausen AG
- Caisse d’Epargne Courtelary SA
- Caisse d’Epargne d’Aubonne société coopérative
- Caisse d’Epargne de Cossonay société coopérative
- Clientis Bank Aareland AG
- Clientis Bank im Thal AG
- Clientis Bank Oberuzwil AG
- Clientis Bank Thur Genossenschaft
- Clientis Bank Toggenburg AG
- Clientis EB Entlebucher Bank AG
- Clientis Sparkasse Oftringen Genossenschaft
- Banca DC
- Ersparniskasse Affoltern i.E. AG
- Ersparniskasse Rüeggisberg Genossenschaft
- Ersparniskasse Schaffhausen AG
- GRB Glarner Regionalbank Genossenschaft
- Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG
- Leihkasse Stammheim AG
- Lienhardt & Partner Privatbank Zürich AG
- Regiobank Männedorf AG
- Regiobank Solothurn AG
- SB Saanen Bank AG
- Spar- und Leihkasse Bucheggberg AG
- Spar- und Leihkasse Frutigen AG
- Spar- und Leihkasse Thayngen AG
- Spar+Leihkasse Riggisberg AG
- Sparcassa 1816 Genossenschaft
- Sparkasse Schwyz AG
- Sparkasse Sense
- VZ Depotbank AG
- WIR Bank Genossenschaft
- Zürcher Landbank A
Visa Debit Card
- Debit Mastercard
- STUcard
- Visa Debit Cards
- Cembra Mastercard
- Cosy Mastercard Conforama
- Cumulus Mastercard
- Fnac Mastercard
- LIPO Mastercard
- TCS Mastercard
- Tutte le carte Mastercard
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards
all Mastercard cards