Saadaval alates veebruarist 2025
ROSATO kiirgab soojust ja elegantsust oma pehme roosakas-kuldse tooniga. See õrn, kuid silmatorkav toon ühendab endas ajatu rafineerituse ja moodsa puudutuse, mis sobib ideaalselt neile, kes hindavad peent luksust.
LEOPARDi sõrmused – uus standard maksesõrmuste valdkonnas
Kogege LEOPARDi sõrmuste mugavust ja elegantsust, mis on loodud rohkemaks kui lihtsalt stiiliks. Need usaldusväärsed, patareivabad kaaslased muudavad kontaktivabad maksed vaevata, kiireks ja alati kättesaadavaks. Veekindlad ja kauakestvad, defineerivad nad mugavuse uuesti.
“MAGIC WEAR” – LEOPARD viib elustiili järgmisele tasemele
- Ring2Pay LEOPARDi tipptaseme avamine
- Järgmise põlvkonna tugevam keraamika, 11 suurust (US 5-15), kaaluga vaid 1,8 g kuni 2,6 g.
- 3,60 mm lai, 2,35 mm paks, käsitsi nummerdatud, vastupidav ja veekindel (IP68).
- Käsitsi harjatud ja teemantlõikega viimistletud ning LAKS-i poolt hoolikalt valmistatud.
- Võrratu kontaktivaba maksmise jõudlus igas müügipunktis
- Kuni 50% parem maksekogemus võrreldes praegu turul pakutava maksekogemusega.
- Uue mõõdupuuga maksesõrmused – nii erakordsed, et te ei taha seda enam kunagi maha võtta ega kaaluda midagi muud!
- Pärast 7 aastat kestnud maksesõrmuste valmistamist on see siinkohal ülim meistriteos.
- LEOPARD tuleneb lapsepõlvemälestusest LEOPARDist, kes hüppab tsirkuses läbi tulise karika, sümboliseerides osavust, täpsust ja jõudu.
- See disain kehastab LAKSi nägemust kunsti ja tehnoloogia ühendamisest maailma kõige õhemas maksesõrmuses.
Download the LAKS Pay app for Android and/or for iOS.
Connect your payment card to your LAKS Pay wearable via your mobile phone.
Watch the video.
Connect your payment card to your LAKS Pay wearable via your mobile phone.
Watch the video.
Open the LAKS Pay app on your mobile phone – select the icon at the bottom right – Check card eligibility
No charging
Thanks to their analogue technology, LAKS wearables never need to be charged. They are always ready to pay.
Easier & more hygienic
You always have your money with you, even without your smartphone. No need to press buttons or change cash. Just pay contactless.
Thanks to their analogue technology, LAKS wearables never need to be charged. They are always ready to pay.
Easier & more hygienic
You always have your money with you, even without your smartphone. No need to press buttons or change cash. Just pay contactless.
Orders usually take 1 working day to process. Once your order has been processed, your items will be shipped the same day or within 48 hours on weekends. Orders will not be dispatched or delivered on weekends and public holidays.
Returns can be exchanged, credited or refunded within 14 days of delivery of the order.
The merchandise must be free of wear, stains, odours or other conditions that make it impossible to sell as new.
Returns Address
Sebastianplatz 7/11
1030 WIEN
Orders usually take 1 working day to process. Once your order has been processed, your items will be shipped the same day or within 48 hours on weekends. Orders will not be dispatched or delivered on weekends and public holidays.
Returns can be exchanged, credited or refunded within 14 days of delivery of the order.
The merchandise must be free of wear, stains, odours or other conditions that make it impossible to sell as new.
Returns Address
Sebastianplatz 7/11
1030 WIEN